Pizza of the month, April

pizza of the month,aprilI know what you are thinking now.
Late again.
Yes, I am.
And I still have no excuse except bad planning.
But at least it was baked in April. That must count.


For new readers, I should mention that I have committed myself to create a pizza every month with toppings from leftovers I can find in my fridge or freezer.
This is an effort to reduce my food waste that is a global problem.
Every third shopping bag we are bringing home in the western world is going to waste. It is that bad.

When I searched the refrigerator I found some leftover barbequed chicken drum sticks. I also found half a bell pepper, onions, ham, and some mozzarella.

As usual, there was no pizza sauce in sight. So I had to go to the freezer again to see if I could find some crushed tomatoes.
I have always been saved by the freezer, but not this time.
There was nothing.

If I had only had some tomatoes I could have made my own pizza sauce, but I had used my last tomatoes for a Caprese salad the day before.
Finally, I found half a package of taco sauce.

A taco pizza with chicken is not that bad, is it? Not very Italian, but that’s not necessary. I’m trying to reduce food waste, not making authentic Italien food here.
Finally, I sliced up a jalapeno and placed it on my quarter. The rest of the family is not fond of hot food.

my slice

I used the same formula for the dough as last time. You can find the recipe here.


The pizza of the month, April was very child-friendly. My kids loved it, and I have to agree with them.
It tasted good. As said before, not very authentic, but who cares. I saved some chicken, ham, and half a bell pepper. Not to mention the taco sauce that surely had gone to waste in just a couple of days. Instead, everything was devoured to the last slice.

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