Italien salad dressing

Italien dressing

Is there anyone else than me that have given a new year resolution?
Is there anyone else than me regretting that?
I thought so.
Well, a promise is a promise. My new year resolution was to reduce my meat consumption. I have already reduced it a lot, but I think I can do more.

I don’t think I will ever become 100% vegan. However, I’m not even close to that. I can do more, no doubt about that.
But if I’m supposed to trade meat for more vegetables, it has to taste great. Otherwise, I will “forget” that resolution in a couple of weeks. There are thousands of ways to make vegetables more delicious. Some vegetables don’t need anything extra. They taste just fabulous as they are. But not all of them (anybody else not thinking Brussels sprouts is a godsend?).

I have decided to eat more salad for lunch this year. It’s a great dish. There are thousands of variations, and sometimes, just sometimes, you can add some meat and still feel good about it.

But a salad needs a dressing. Otherwise, it’s just boring. And the best dressing is that containing ingredients that you usually have at home. Because of course, you should mix your own dressing.
Buying ready-made dressing always gives you some extra junk you don’t want. Don’t believe me? Read the ingredient list next time you stand in the grocery store with a bottle in your hand. I’m sure you will find at least one additive that you don’t have a clue about what it is.

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